Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dancing In 2015

Hello 2015!

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as if a rushing wind,
and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost"
Acts 2:2,4

The NPMBC Dance Ministry is back on the blog. We are starting our year off right with prayer, praise and movement. Our first official meeting, we each spoke into existence our New Year's Evolutions. 

That's right, I said, EVOLUTIONS, not Resolutions. We plan to evolve ourselves this year, by making small daily choices to achieve the big picture. Feel free to share your evolution by posting in the comments below. My personal "E's" for 2015 are:

1) Reduce my circumference (read lose weight) - I have 37 pounds of excess stuff that I need to shed. It's all about making better choices and being aware of when and why I'm eating the bad stuff. I'm not going to deprive myself, but choose better, watch portions and get my exercise on.

2) Speaking of exercise - I will evolve into a work out woman. So I'm starting by hitting the treadmill at least 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes. I started two weeks ago and I've ramped up my walking speed and incline. Last week I added jogging to the last two minutes of my first walk (I do two 25 minute sets when time permits). The goal is to be jogging a full 5 minutes by the end of February and to increase by 5 minutes every two months. Talk about building stamina!

3) Seriously read the bible in a year. I have used programs in the past that I have let go and not completed. I finally think I've found one that I like. It reads the bible like a story with the stories (books) running concurrently, so I'm reading one story from beginning to end. I'm in the "begats" right now ^_^

So what's happening in the Dance Ministry?
We have an awesome 1/2 season coming up. There are plans in the works for a couple of special presentations - Pastor's Anniversary, Youth Weekend, Valentine's Day. Our Littles are growing in number and grace. They will be presenting soon, as will the Teen/Adult group. Don't forget rehearsals are Monday evenings from 6:30p - 8:00p. We've been doing a lot of crossover time, but it works for now. 

Shout-outs to my Adults and Parents who are helping at every rehearsal and presentation. You made 2014 a sheer blessing and I look forward to the year to come.

Until we meet again....

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